Labour Market During Vis-a-vis Post Pandemic
My last job search happened during the pandemic, between February and May 2021 (read more here). I remember coming out of it crushed and disappointed. Even though I did secure a job in the end, it was not fruitful. I threw the letter after six months. The onboarding process was haphazard, and I felt isolated.
Bearing a heavy heart, I embarked on a four-months solo trip to Canada. Upon return, I sorted my thoughts, goals and directions before starting my job search in December 2022. The employment landscape was generally more favourable compared to 2021 with the economic recovery. More job opportunities were available, companies were more responsive, and there were clearer SOPs for conducting online interviews.
Personal Takeaways
Maybe I lucked out this time. One month, 14 applications and four rejections later, I landed a job in my dream company. Here are some tips I gathered from my recent job search:
Find your motivator. Is it to earn more money, acquire new skills or explore a growth industry? Understanding “why” will determine “how” to reach your goal.
Get rid of any self-limiting beliefs. It IS possible to get into the tech industry without a tech background.
There is no shame in asking for help. You will be surprised by the people who would go the extra mile for you.
Research everything about the industry and company. Start speaking the jargon.
Reach out to relevant stakeholders — industry leaders, current and past employees etc. You can connect with almost anyone on LinkedIn.
Be you. You cannot stage passion. Join a company only if its culture, values and mission resonate deeply with you.
Stay positive. Do not take rejections personally. The long lead time between job posting and offer means it is common to have a list of potential candidates before you.
Enjoy the job search journey and make the most out of it. For me, the key takeaways are new connections, greater self-awareness and new knowledge.
Personally, I view tip # 6 as the determining factor. Everyone is unique and talented in some ways, so be proud and showcase who you really are!
Feel free to reach out if you want more tips specific to the tech sales industry. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn, and I’ll be sure to respond (see tip # 5).